Round Table 1 – Hybrid Presence | 13.00 – 18.30 | Thursday 28 September 2023 | Stockwell Street Building | University of Greenwich – online and in person
Hybrid Presence is research cluster with a new programme of experiences, projects, and debates conceived and produced by Maria Almena (Kimatica Studio), Ghislaine Boddington (University of Greenwich/body>data>space), and Olive Gingrich (University of Greenwich/Analema Group), in collaboration with the Research Centre for Spatial and Digital Ecologies and the School of Design in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Greenwich.
This Round Table will provide a sharing space for experts and practitioners to engage in a productive discussion on the fast-growing experience of “hybrid presence” – our liveness in synchronicity with our virtual presence. Hybrid Presence responds to the well-being needs resulting from our increasing hybrid (virtual/physical) existence. This research investigates the topical post-COVID debate on “presence” concerning the blurred line between our digital and physical selves.
The Hybrid Presence consortium proposes three immediate health and well-being use cases across three research areas – body, voice and mind involving our living bodies and their inherent output of movement and voice. This initial gathering of experts was designed to facilitate discussions on affiliations, partnerships, and alliances related to the research-led practice of this programme. We are working towards partner applications for a 3-year programme of research and public outputs.
- Presentation by Maria Almena, Ghislaine Boddington, and Olive Gingrich, introducing the overarching project theme ‘Hybrid Presence” and the ongoing programme/projects in development.
- Round Table discussion, allowing all participants to share their own expertise, projects, and advice and feedback on the Hybrid Presence planned programme.
- Updates by Professor Camille Baker (Royal College of Art) and Ghislaine Boddington (University of Greenwich) on the planning process and involvement in the second Extended Senses and Embodying Technologies Symposium and Exhibition
- Round Table discussion on future develop of the concept, partnerships possibilities etc
Everyone will be able to speak about their knowledge of the concept/ theme, share development ideas, and explore ways to contribute to the programme. Emphasis will be on future perspectives and public knowledge exchange.

Round Table 2 – What’s next for DHT Digital Human Twins?
| 13.00 – 18.30 | Thursday 19 October 2023 |University of Greenwich
Ghislaine Boddington is exploring the near future potential of creating, owning and nurturing our own AI Hybrid BioTwin. The challenge is associated with the convergence of several already existent digital human twin models used in medical, fitness, military and entertainment sectors amongst others. Also to be considered is the ethics and potential issues such as security and safety, ownership of personal biometric data,
This Round Table will explore the scenario from several perspectives including:
- the use of big data for good i.e. for scalable global solutions for medical and climate change issues.
- the protection of our highly personal data in a time of misuse, disinformation and deep fakes. Concepts and activist actions such as Data Unions and personal wallets will be considered.
- the development of Ghislaine Boddington’s concept of an AI Hybrid BioTwin as a tool for public knowledge exchange.
Ghislaine is exploring the near future potential of “owning and nurturing” our own AI Hybrid BioTwin. The challenge is associated with the convergence of several already existent digital human twin models used in medical, fitness, military and entertainment sectors and the aim is to bring together experts with this knowledge and explore the future speculative positive and negative potentials of our very own digital twin !

ROUND TABLE 3 TRANSCENDENCE; Body-augmented Rituals
| 13.00 – 18.30 | Thursday 9 November 2023 |University of Greenwich
This Round Table focuses on the theme of Transcendence; Body-augmented Rituals. This is a starter debate to develop content and to initiate affiliations, partnerships and alliances, linked to practice-based outputs planned across 2023-25 led by Maria Almena (Kimatica studio).
This project is aiming to reimagine art therapies and hybrid performances for our contemporary society, in order to support the lack of emotional and spiritual connection in our Western Society due to overstimulation of the mind and disconnection with the body. Our aim is weaving together interconnected realities (digital & physical) to offer innovative ways of telling stories and experiencing new therapeutic performances. Through the use of our interactive real-time technologies, we’ll blend live and digital, aiming to contribute to a new era of hybrid performances enhancing interconnectedness for our post-pandemic times, which is dealing with a global isolation and mental health crisis.
This Round Table will explore the scenario from several perspectives including:
- Development of a methodology design to create a series of Hybrid Body-Augmented Ritual Performances that can be customised to different ritual traditions, demographics and therapeutic needs.
- Exploration of the current wellbeing art retreats formats that are out there to find possible collaborations and positive & negative experiences.
- Exploration of the current XR technologies out there for commercial use that can be reinvited for art experiences, always with a focus on the body.
- How can we keep developing our Body-tracking technologies including AR real-time and 360 formats in AI & data collection times in an ethical way that can be beneficial for the most needed of our society?
- What type of real-time XR technologies can help the most to create ritual performances that enhance interconnectedness in the most effective, engaging and innovative way?

| 13.00 – 18.30 | Thursday 24 November 2023 | University of Greenwich
Olive Gingrich together with the team at Analema Group are exploring how embodied participatory arts practice can contribute to social connectedness through the use of new interfaces. Their research looks at health benefits of participatory singing, humming and music-making and what role digital interfaces can play in this context. We are investigating use cases in the context of senior citizens including people with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia.
What are the affordances of new interfaces for sound co-creation in the context of art & health and care? Working with vocal data and deep learning analysis what are risks and ethical requirements to arrive at safe and useful use cases? What design and accessibility requirements do we need to consider to create effective user experiences? What are the human-centred and inclusive design decisions needed to inform the future of shared embodied experiences through the voice in a hybrid way? This roundtable will start a discussion with key stakeholders around body & voice, as well as ethical questions around the use of AI in this context.
The roundtable will cover questions such as
- Exploration of existing research on the effective use of participatory voice engagements in an arts and health context and the need for more specific research evidence on its effectiveness
- Discussion around technical approaches for effective sound and co-creation interfaces
- Ethical considerations regarding the use of artificial intelligence within the capture and analysis of the human voice
- What kind of analysis and representation can be of most use to the needs of people suffering from mild cognitive impairment.
| 13.00 – 18.30 | Thursday 05 June 2024 | University of Greenwich
Hybrid Presence is research cluster with a new programme of experiences, projects, and debates conceived and produced by Maria Almena (Kimatica Studio), Ghislaine Boddington (University of Greenwich/body>data>space), and Olive Gingrich ((University of Greenwich/Analema Group), in collaboration with the Research Centre for Spatial and Digital Ecologies and the School of Design in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Greenwich.
This fifth Round Table provided a space for our closest colleagues to share and engage in a productive discussion on the fast-growing experience of “hybrid presence”—our liveness in synchronicity with our virtual presence. This gathering of experts is designed to facilitate discussions on affiliations, partnerships, and alliances related to the research-led practice of this programme.
- Presentation by Maria Almena, Ghislaine Boddington, and Olive Gingrich, introducing the overarching project theme ‘Hybrid Presence” and the ongoing programme/projects in development.
- Round Table discussion – A topical review of the extension of hybrid presence into work, social and educational environments in 2024 – please come with examples.
This is the final Round Table in this series – a sharing space for our closest colleagues to hear about and engage with the conclusions and reflections of our 2023/24 programme. The focus will be on productive discussion on society’s fast-growing participation in “hybrid presence” – our liveness in synchronicity with our virtual presence.